Friday, September 25, 2009

TIMES : SPM2009 Last Minute Tips - Biology


SPM Biology consists of Paper 1 (objective item), Paper 2 (structured item & essay item) and Paper 3 (two compulsory questions). Follow this guide to answer the papers.

1. Strategy to Answering Paper 1
2. Strategy to Answering Paper 2
Structured Item
Essay Item
3. Strategy to Answering Paper 3
Question 1
Question 2
Common Mistakes by Students

1. Strategy to Answering Paper 1
This section consists of all the topics from form 4 and 5.
Read the question first and then study all the choices before choosing the answer.
Circle/underline words like all, none, always, never, only, not and except to avoid careless mistakes.
If the answer is not apparent, use the elimination process. Cross out all choices which are clearly incorrect, then choose your answer from the remaining choices.
Answer every question. You stand a chance of scoring some marks than just leaving it blank.
Check your answer sheet. Make sure you have filled in only one answer for every question.
Make sure to fill in the correct answer corresponding to the question.
If you change an answer, make sure to erase the first answer completely.
2. Strategy to Answering Paper 2
Structured Item
This section consists of all the topics from form 4 and 5.
Make sure you have studied consistently and revised all topics learnt. Try to do as many past years’ questions as possible.
Answer all five structured questions carefully.
Allocate your answering time wisely. The suggested amount of time for each question is 15 minutes.
Plan your points and answers carefully to gain maximum marks. The number of lines or marks will indicate the length of your answer.
Be sure to give correct facts and answers. Each correct fact or answer carries 1 mark. No half mark will be given.
Write clearly. If the examiners cannot read what you have written, they cannot give you marks. Inaccurate spelling which does not carry other meaning is accepted.
Show your working and use the correct units for questions with calculations. Even if your answer is wrong, you will still get some marks for the working.
Spell out chemical substances in word form if required. Formula is not accepted.

Example: Name the chemical that can absorb carbon dioxide.
Answer: ‘Sodium hydroxide’, not ‘NAOH’.

x) Give chemical equation in sentence form.
All substrate and product must be correct.
Certain conditions must be given if needed.

Chemical equation, if given in formula must be complete and balanced.

Essay Item
Spend at least 5 minutes to read the instructions and every question carefully and scan through the entire paper. Pay attention to how many questions to answer and the time given.
Allocate your answering time wisely. Suggested time for each essay question is 25 minutes. Leave 5-10 minutes at the end for checking.
Write neatly and clearly.
Use labeled diagrams where appropriate to help you answer your essay, but no extra marks will be given.
Use a table if the question requires you to compare and contrast or list the advantages of two processes, but answers must be in full sentences and not in point form.
Plan your points and answers carefully to gain maximum marks. The number of lines or marks will indicate the length of your answer.

WHAT · Give specific/exact information
STATE · Give a concise, straightforward answer with no elaboration
HOW/WHY · Give explanations regarding methods/ways/conditions/steps/events
COMPARE AND CONTRAST · Give similarities and differences between two or more concepts
DIFFERENCE · Give the differences between two or more concepts/factors
DISCUSS · Give ideas from a few aspects and discuss every aspect critically
EVALUATE · Give logical ideas/to evaluate something by giving advantages and disadvantages
· Give answers by calculation method. Show steps/working if in structured question with correct units
ELABORATE · Give detailed explanation with reasons
LIST · Give several points with no elaboration
DEFINE · Give definition/meaning of term/concept
EXPLANATION · State facts with reasons/to give answers with reasoning

3. Strategy to Answering Paper 3
This paper consists of two compulsory questions:

Question 1 – Structured item about Scientific Process (33 marks)
Question 2 – Essay question on Experimental Design (17 marks)
Question 1
Structured items are evaluated based on the following aspects:
Measuring and using numbers
Making inferences
Using spatial time relationship
Analysing data
Defining according operation
Controlling variables
Forming a hypothesis
(Max = 3marks each)
Total = 33 marks

Question 2
Planning/designing an experiment is evaluated based on the following aspects:
Problem statement (3marks)
Aim of investigation
Hypothesis (3marks)
List of apparatus and materials (3marks)
Technique used (1mark)
Experimental procedure or method (3marks)
Presentation of data (1mark)
Format = 3 marks
Total = 17 marks

Common Mistakes by Students
Not following the marks guide. The number of lines or marks will indicate the length of your answer.
Insufficient points and haphazard answers.
Wrong facts/concepts and out of the point answers.
Hanging answers, mixed up, uncertain, too general, too brief, too long, too complicated.
Keep on repeating the answers.
Answers not balance/inconsistent.
Not aware of questions intent when answering.
Forget to rewrite answers after erasing previous answers.
Pleading with the examiner and writing short messages/notes to examiner.
Scolding or instructing the examiner.

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